Minutes March 20, 2021 – Precincts

Johnson County Democrats
Precinct Committee People
March 20, 2021

Meeting called to order at 10:05.

In attendance: Greg Haas, Lois Petersen, Jim Shell, Bill McIntyre, Mary Van Auken, Mitch Black, Suzi Black, Dudley Case, Tara McClatchey, Mike McClatchey, Linda Wilson, Trudy Wolfe, and Vikki Chenette.

Greg discussed contacting two individuals who were write-in candidates for Precinct 03-07 committee persons positions at the last primary election. We will try to reach them at their mailing address to determine if they are indeed interested that role.

Motion by Vikki and seconded by Mitch was made to approve a slate of Precinct Commitee Men and Women who will then vote for County Party Officers. Motion passed with 90% yes, 10% abstention. Greg will report results to County Clerk.

Meeting adjourned at 10:24am.