Johnson County Democratic Party

Our 2022 Convention has been re-scheduled for 10:00am Saturday, April 30, 2022 and will be held at the Buffalo Senior Center.

County Convention
April 30, 2022
Buffalo Senior Center (671 W Fetterman St, Buffalo, WY 82834)
Registration open at 9:30 AM
Call to Order at 10:00 AM


Call To Convene
Johnson County Convention Proxy Form
2022 Delegate Nomination Form

Agenda Documents
Proposed Changes to Platform-2022
Scholarship Documents for Vote

10:00am Call to Order – County Party Chairman

  • Pledge of Allegiance, Opening Remarks, and Recognitions

Report of the Credentials and Ballots Committee
Election of Delegates to the State Convention

  • Convention votes whether to send full or half delegates to the State Convention.
  • Convention nominates and selects Delegates.

Consideration of the Platform and Resolutions

  • Platform is presented by Chair of the Platform and Resolutions Committee.
  • Platform is debated and amended by convention
  • Platform is adopted by the convention

Other Business

  • William D. McIntyre Memorial Scholarship

Adjourn 12:00pm