Minutes April 4, 2023

Johnson County Democratic Party Meeting
April 4, 2023
The meeting was conducted via Zoom

Call to Order:

Greg Haas called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and welcomed new officers in attendance.

There were no additions to the agenda.

Dudley Case, Lois Petersen, Vikki Chenette, and Greg Haas. Linda Wilson joined the meeting in-progress.

Secretary Report:
The Minutes of March 7th were reviewed and accepted as published on the website.

Treasurer Report:
Dudley said he received records from previous Treasurer Suzi, and he reported the general account and the scholarship account balances. Lois made a motion that pending confirmation that such changes are acceptable practices, Dudley may change our accounts to interest-bearing accounts. Linda seconded the motion, which was approved by unanimous voice vote. Greg recommended that Vikki as new Secretary should be given the bank account login and password.
Chair Announcements:
Greg reported Casper Star Tribune is interested in doing an article about the new officers at the county level around the state.

Sheridan College in Johnson County will hold their annual scholarship benefit, Golf for Knowledge, on May 26th at 2:00pm.

Old Business:
Dudley, Sharon, Lois, Frank, and Greg will attend the rescheduled Nellie Tayloe Ross Dinner April 15th.

Dudley reported for the William D. McIntyre Scholarship Committee which has met to review applications received as of the March 31st deadline and will meet again April 11th. Fundraising has gone well and the quality and number of scholarship applications is high. Lois said she has been in touch with Dixie McIntyre, and she has agreed to pull the winning raffle ticket at the Kaycee Library at a date to be determined.

Lois reported on initial plans for the Sheridan County/Johnson County Gathering to be held Saturday, June 17th at Kearney Hall, with both counties represented on the planning committee. Lois asked Greg to investigate the required proof of insurance. Vikki made a motion for approval of $250.00 for the hall rental fee. Dudley seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous vote. Lois will fill out and return the rental agreement. Vikki asked everyone to save the date and tell friends as soon as possible.

Greg has obtained verification that Dudley can serve as both our treasurer and State Committeeman. Lois serves as our State Committeewoman. Lois moved that we elect Dudley Case as State Committeeman. The motion was seconded by Linda and passed unanimously.

New Business:

Announcements from the Floor:
Lois reported on a request for public comment regarding a Sheridan County land exchange to go before the Office of State Lands.

Greg updated us on the lack of state comms director and encouraged the use of the slack channel.

Dudley mentioned we should have 32 precinct committee people but only have eight.

Upcoming Meetings:
County Officer Roundtable Zoom meetings, 2nd Wednesdays of the month, 6:00pm; communication options for all officers; trainings for secretaries and treasurers and fundraising topics coming up.

Greg adjourned the meeting at 6:59 pm.